The formula of a successful magazine design project

Sulfuric Acid Today magazine design and production

The latest issue of Sulfuric Acid Today is back from the printer and out for distribution. For the last 26 years, the publication has covered the best practices for the global sulfuric acid industry. Starting back in 2002, we partnered with them providing our magazine design and production services.

Magazine Design Project description:

Our task for this project was to design and produce a 36-page Fall-winter edition of the Sulfuric Acid Today magazine for the sulfuric acid industry. The full-color magazine is published twice a year and covers the best practices for the industry and is distributed globally to sulfuric acid producers and vendors. We handle all of the graphic design, color coordination, photo retouching, pagination, and prepress services. We communicate directly with the printer to ensure all imagery and production files provided meet their press specifications.

Magazine Design

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