Aeon Updates Sulfuric Acid Trade Magazine Brand

Project Brief

Print isn’t dead. Sulfuric Acid Today magazine is proof of that.

Since 1994, the magazine has been the leading information source for the global sulfuric acid industry.

Sulfuric Acid Today is a 40+ page full-color trade magazine for the sulfuric acid industry is published twice a year and covers the best practices for the industry and is distributed globally to sulfuric acid producers and vendors in either print or digital formats. The printed version is distributed to 2500-3000 locations worldwide….anywhere with a sulfuric acid plant. The digital version is available online for convenience as well as to increase the reach of the publication. A typical 40-page edition includes articles, pictures, and advertisements. All the material needs to be compiled into digital form, quality checked and sent to a printer.

In 2002, Aeon began working with the publisher and shortly thereafter began rebranding and modernizing the “look and feel” of the magazine layout. Within a few months, the logo was next to be updated, and the magazine cover design was changed to incorporate multiple pictures and give more of an overview of the cover story.





Headquarters in Louisiana and distributed globally.


Website Design

Brand Continuity

Content Management

The Process

Putting all of the pieces together…

Since 2002, Aeon has made all of the pieces fall together while adhering to a strict press deadline.

The process starts when Aeon begins receiving the preliminary material for each issue. The content typically consists of advertisements, news articles, charts, and photos. Each of the editorial articles needs to be compiled and formatted to fit a specific predetermined space in the layout that has been previously agreed upon by the publisher and advertiser. Also, submitted advertisement layouts need to be checked to ensure they’re in the proper format and resolution in order for each to be reproduced with professional quality. Attention to detail is the key to success. Aeon oversees every part of the publication process to make sure the final product is free from errors.

Since early in our partnership, we have worked remotely with the staff of the magazine, operating as an external marketing department for reoccurring projects throughout the calendar year. As the years have passed the advancements in remote collaboration technology have made working together as a team even easier and made the process much more seamless. Last year our remote systems and processes were put to the ultimate test. When the pandemic hit we had no choice other than to rely on working remotely. Since we were very familiar with the process of remote collaboration, the pandemic did not affect our workflow and we were able to maintain our regular production schedule and meet our deadlines. We were also able to adapt these processes to work with other clients in the same manner.

Sulfuric Acid Today trade magazine design

Logo Redesign Transformation: Before & After

(Swipe the contoller to see the transformation)


The original logo/masthead was designed back in 1994 when the publication first began. After the turn of the century, an update to the image was discussed to modernize the brand. The initial redesigning of the logo/masthead took place in 2002. During the redesign process, it was decided that the emphasis needed to be placed on the words “Sulfuric Acid” as the primary focus of the logomark and reduce the emphasis on the word “Today”. Since the initial changes to the logo layout, it has been updated to match with current design trends.

Responsive website design for desktop and mobile devices

In addition to the magazine, Aeon also created and maintains the website ( for Sulfuric Acid Today as a complement to the digital magazine. The website allows visitors to easily access the current issue and back issues in digital format. It also provides a forum for workers in the sulfuric acid industry to directly connect with experts.

Visitors can subscribe to the magazine using an online form on the website and advertisers can also inquire about purchasing advertisements directly through the site.

Ultimately, the vision is for Sulfuric Acid Today to evolve to a primarily online magazine.  However, the print version will probably never go away because many subscribers like to have the magazine available when they don’t have online access.

Desktop website view

Mobile responsive website view

All of our website design projects are created to comply with the latest search engine algorithm updates. This will ensure that your site remains relevant when an organic search is performed on all of the major search engines.

Our sites also include key factors such as:

  • Mobile compatibility
  • On-page search engine optimization (on-page SEO) and off-page SEO when applicable
  • Site performance
  • Site security

The Results

Does it work?

Year after year, the printer reports no issues with printing the final edition for publications. And the website provides a valuable and easily accessible resource for the sulfuric acid industry.

Aeon combines familiarity with both digital and print publication plus focuses on the details so each issue of Sulfuric Acid Today is a success.

“Carl’s creativity, approachable manner, and personal touch for each issue is the reason for our successful partnership. I look forward to working with Aeon on future projects.”

– Kathy Hayward, Owner, and Publisher of Sulfuric Acid Today.

Questions about updating your brand?